As a rule, man is fool; when its hot, he wants it cool; when its cool, he wants it hot; always wanting what is not!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trust me, My love!!!

My love for you,
Believe me is true.
My every tear,
Is shed for you my dear.
You may think that i lie,
But believe me when i die.
You will still be there in my heart,
As my soul's eternal part.
And till the very end, I will keep loving you,
Trust me, my love, what i say is true.


CRD said...

all i can say is

"heartfelt and obviously spontaneous"



Eraj said...

yes it was spontaneous....
wrote it this very less than five minutes i guess....

no idea where it came from...thnx foh the comment though

Anonymous said...

not a very good one though, but since you say its spontaneous, i will accept it from you :)

Unknown said...

Replying u line by line

E:My love for you,
Believe me is true.

S: Love is always true

My every tear,
Is shed for you my dear.

S: Love always is frm heart so little pain of heart directly effect to eyes and give so much tears

You may think that i lie,
But believe me when i die.

S; Love need sincierity and honesty the first piller of love is to trust and belive
without love we feel like soul less cuz love become soul

You will still be there in my heart,
As my soul's eternal part.
And till the very end, I will keep loving you,

S: as i comment above love is frm heart without them we feel soul less
we died but love never dies

Trust me, my love, what i say is true

S: same as u say

Unknown said...

As my persobal experience
i live very far frm my love but she always live in my heart
i didnt talk her i cant see her physically
my heart always feeel her always see u

Eraj said...


well frd....i noe its d problem is m nt a poet....m only trying something which i had never tried b4...

maybe someday ill come up with something u wont be reluctant to accept[:P]

Eraj said...

thnx shabbir....foh giving so much of ur tym to a stupid poem :P

Kaber Vasuki said...

It is a stupid poem.

I like the idea behind the poem, but not the poem's structure. It sounds immature.

Consider this as constructive criticism. And try typing in free verse

Eraj said...

thnx...i agree it is.:P
free verse....maybe i would try it someday...

Unknown said...

Nice effort. well done. Keep it up. :)

Unknown said...

its not a stupid poem
its nice nd it has a deep background

gone! said...

I find it real sweet. It isn't stupid at all. Mark my words girl. Don't tag your feelings, stupid!

Anonymous said...

the ideas for love are same in every culture. but it seems ur impressed frm urdu or persian poetry and u just translated that...

i do same kinda poetry..