As a rule, man is fool; when its hot, he wants it cool; when its cool, he wants it hot; always wanting what is not!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life these days.....

Its strange....
The way my priorities have changed!!
I don't know why but i think about weird stuff these days.....
I never worried about future...i was an easy-go person...
from the very day i got some sense into my head..i was the sort of person who will take life on daily basis as, when and how it presented to me.
But now, i am a different person.
I am not ME anymore.....

I guess some decisions i took about my life were too spontaneous.... even for the type of spontaneous personality i have....
But i don't want to regret them AT ALL....
I do sometimes...
but i don't want to....

I am confused....Hell confused about what i should do, its not my studies...
No, they never bothered me much.
Its something else.... Something which is probably much more important.

And there is only one person in this entire world.....AFTER ALLAH ALMIGHTY...who can help me get out of this confused, miserable, stupid, weird state of mine.....

I hope that one person understands this....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi..ds is me are u sister...i was worried about my sweet sis that wats happend that u removed ur orkut profile n blog too..then i asked from one of ur frnd Ajnabi larka ,...he told me that my sweet sis is busy n her are u..n why u are feeling downz..i realized from this post...
urs bro Saad ali