As a rule, man is fool; when its hot, he wants it cool; when its cool, he wants it hot; always wanting what is not!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Locomoter is over :D

two torturous months of daily dissections, stinking formalin filled dissection hall and...
and...... those useless formative assessments (such thankless people are we?? it actually helped for SEQ's)..

The final assessment was the nightmare...
but as i said
at least its over...

so many muscles...and crazy nerves and blood vessels running through our limbs bifurcating wherever they want to....
And to top it all...

The scil sessions...
examination...motor power...
how many degrees for supination.... and how many for pronation?
and so on and on and on....

You go blank...all muscles and nerves look like ghosts haunting you...
is this soleus?
or sartorious?
or maybe...some adductor?

is this a tendon?
a nerve or a damned artery...

if its this?
whats its name...
and if you figure that out....
Oh God! you are even supposed to tell what this damned thing does...
(i almost wrote...its function is to drive me crazy)

Its not that i am dumb...its just that the stuff was a bit too much....
a little more time...
and maybe (i say maybe)...i would have done better....
goodluck with cardiovascular now...
i hope its better....
atleast ...we wont have a dissection everyday...

All these complaints....and i say
its my choice...

i chose it....and i love whatever it is.. :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Inspirational life of a person with an amputated leg!!

thanks a ton to our college for bringing him to the college and giving us an opportunity to come into direct contact with an amazing person...

Mr Saleem....
An old man in his early 70's with a bright cheerful face...
and a rather sad story to tell....

Got his left leg amputated at the age of around 25-30...
he met an a fracture...
got it fixed after a surgery and plaster....
then, he was walking fine but with little problem with his gait...probably due to some abnormal positioning of the fractured bone....
thought of getting that fixed too...
another surgery...
this time...his luck was not with him...
caught an infection....
it worsened... and the leg had to be amputated...

not to forget that while he met his accident he was actually going back home to get himself married...

he did that after losing his leg though...
and led a far better life than many of us who have all their four limbs working perfectly well...
the thing that kept him going (according to him)
was his strong faith....(on Almighty above)...

so he says...he never blamed anybody...
never regretted anthing..
and is thankful for the blessed life he had lived so far......

The meeting inspired us....
and made us ashamed....
what a complaining lot we are?
we have everything....but still we keep on asking for more and more..
never content...never satisfied..
and there are people who face great misfortunes and still manage to stay content...
what a weak faith we have in the Almighty above..???

May we be able to learn something from such people... :)